Possible Life Scenarios

In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful,

Scenario 1

He wakes up early and does the most important things first. Then he has quality time with his children and wife before going to work. He makes them a priority. And he builds their habits of waking up early.

At the end of the day after work, his children go to sleep and he can have quality time with his wife. They talk about how to design their life to be better and reflect back on their children’s behaviors. They may do other important rich activities as well. Maybe before that time, he improves his career skills or whatever aspect of life skills he needs to invest more time in.

Quality time involves richly designed activities in which their relationship improves, and they understand each other better.

Imagine 10 years after doing this:
1. How his relationship with his children will be
2. How his relationship with his wife will be
3. How psychological balance, love, and success in his work will he be
4. What is the future of his children and wife

Scenario 2

He wakes up late to just be able to rush to work. Since he is in a hurry, he leaves out his children to whatever system he has put them in, but he is not involved in that system because he is busy.

After rushing to work, you can start to think about how his mood will be. He comes home after work, he is tired and doesn’t want to listen to anyone. He just does mindless activities like watching T.V. or just relaxing. Yes, he may do this with his children and wife but they are all watching together. It is not a high-quality time, but it is just passive time. Over time, they don’t know each other well, and the relationship weakens over time even if they spend this time together.

He sleeps late, and so do his children and wife but all home time is spent with mindless non-designed to be useful activities.

Imagine 10 years after doing this:
1. How his relationship with his children will be
2. How his relationship with his wife will be
3. How psychological imbalance, and success in his work will he be
4. What is the future of his children and wife

It is your life, it is your decision.

Allah bless our master Muhammad and his family.

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