Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing Posts.

Linguistics and Arabic Natural Language Processing (NLP) Introduction

In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful, A lot of text here is taken as it is from Dr. Nizar Habash‘s papers and text book Introduction to Arabic Natural Language Processing. I tried to organize what I have understood in an easy way for me. In addiition to this, a lot of …

Linguistics and Arabic Natural Language Processing (NLP) Introduction Read More »

Natural Language Processing “NLP”

In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful, Introduction Language is very special to humans. A big part of the advancements of humanity throughout history is the ability to effectively communicate with each other, and share what they have learned and discovered throughout ages. Moreover, language could be considered a big part of …

Natural Language Processing “NLP” Read More »